03 junho 2011

Blog Candy Winner!!!!

Hello Ladies,

I hope everyone is keeping well!!

Today I want to announce the winner of my blog candy!!  but first I want to thank everyone who participated in my blog candy and let me share my happiness with you!!

My vacation in US was fantastic and best ever!! So much fun!! I could have stayed there forever!!!!!

I've finally met my friends who I only knew throught internet.... and Love them all.. they are great people and very special Friends to me..  I'll treasure them for the rest of my life!!!

Ok Ladies, that said it is time to announce the winner of my blog candy!! There were 82 entries and random has chosen nr:

And number 50 is the entry of    ELISABETH SARKIS

Congratularions Elisabeth.. you are a lucky girl!!!!!!  So in order to receive my suprise blog candy, please, write to me to vivi.casale@yahoo.com.br till 10th June..  if you do not contact me by then I will redraw.

I'm sure you are gonna like the goodies I bought in US for this candy!!!

Ok my Friends... I feel like to have another blog candy just because it is a lot of fun.. so stay tuned!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by today!!!

Hugs & Kisses,


9 comentários:

Pedacinhos di Pano by Claudia disse...

Parabens Elizabeth!!!

Snif num ganhei ..kkkkkk

bjs vivi

Mahrian disse...

Peninha... Mas Parabéns a vencedora! Bjkas!

Asas à imaginação disse...

Parabéns, Beth...a sorte anda do seu ladinho, hein!!!
Obrigada pela oportunidade, Vivi!

Elisabeth Sarkis disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Elisabeth Sarkis disse...

Gente meu comentário tinha saido com problemas...nossa estou super mega feliz...que legalllllllllll, nem acredito que ganhei...estou comemorando com uma criança mesmo....obrigada VIVI.
Ameiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,te mando um email,bjs

Lolô Artesanato disse...

Parabens Elizabeth
bjss Vivi

thekolbes disse...

Congrats Elizabeth

Unknown disse...

Hi congrats to the winner xx

Yone disse...

Parabéns, Beth !