07 fevereiro 2012

Thinking of You!

Hello Friends,
I got time to play tonight and I chose a Hanglar & Stanglar image for a special reason!
Hanglar challenge blog has a DT call and I decided to take a chance.
Here is the card I made:
I colored my image with copic markers B16, B14, B12, B00, B000, C09, C7, C5, C3, R20, E11, E00.
I used prima flowers papers and prima flowers.
Brads are from recolllection and ribbon from Really Reasonable ribbon!
Sentiment is label accents  set from Stamping Scrapping.
I’m entering this card in the following challenges:
  1. Lovely Hanglar only: dt call (ends 8th  Feb)
  2. Creative Craft: bingo: ribbon, brads and blue
  3. Crafty Cardmakers : monochromatic (ends 18th Feb)
  4. Challenge up your life: ton in ton monochrome (ends 17th Feb)
  5. Chocolate Coffeee Cards: thinking of you/missing you (ends  16th Feb)
  6. Craft us Crazy: anything goes (ends 14th Feb)
Thanks for stopping by today!

13 comentários:

Jill disse...

What a beautiful card. I love the colors, and the background paper. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Ana Yamamoto (Aninha) disse...

Super fofo!!!
Lindo e delicado como sempre!

Anônimo disse...

Very pretty card. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Cardmakers. xx

Nikbee disse...

A lovely card. I love the ribbon. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft.
Nikki x

Josephine disse...

Pretty card.

Thanks for joining the Monochrome challenge at Crafty Cardmakers!

Chris Macedo disse...


Regina disse...

Que cores lindas Vivi!!! e que papel maravilhoso!!! Parabéns pelo trabalho fantástico!!

Ana Cristina Caldatto disse...

Vivi..que saudade de fazer cartões!

Yone disse...

Lindo colorido no seu cartão e boa sorte no DT Call ! Bjs

Doreen disse...

beautiful card.
Many thanks for joining us at Crafty Cardmakers this week
Doreen xx

Beverley disse...

Gorgeous card. I love the image. Thanks for joining us at Creative Craft Challenges.
Bev x

Princess4Wiz disse...

Gorgeous card!

Thank you so much for joining in with our Monochrome Magic challenge at Crafty Cardmakers :-)

Beth. xxx

happyscrapper disse...

Oh how beautiful! The image is colored beautifully. The blues are wonderful. Thanks for joining us this time at CCCC, and hope to see you back.
Christine Dt at CCCC