05 fevereiro 2012

Desafio 1 de 2012–2 carimbos Magnolia

Ola Meninas,
Hoje recomeçamos os desafios no blog Desafio Mad About Magnolias e sou eu quem irá propor o desafio!
O blog esta com mudancas, pois a partir de hoje os desafios serao mensais porem voce podera continuar a participar com quantos cartoes quiser e assim quanto mais participar mais chance de ganhar o premio!
Para o primeiro desafio de 2012 escolhi usar 2 carimbos Mad About Magnolias  voce podera combinar entre Tilda, Edwin, Sentimentos ou Acessorio, nao importa qual voce ira utilizar no seu projeto, apenas precisa usar 2 carimbos de modelos diferentes.  E como tema, voce pode escolher o que quiser!
Veja o cartao que fiz abaixo para sua inspiração:
desafio 1-2012
No meu cartao eu usei os carimbos Tilda with Cozy Heart e o acessorio Hugs and Kisses.

Para colorir a imagem eu usei copic markers R59, R46, R29, R27, R24, RV23, RV21, C2, C1, C00, C9, C7, E11, E00, R20.
Os furadores que usei no cartao sao comprados aqui em Sao Paulo, infelizmente nao tenho a marca.
Agora, venha participar do desafio e voce tera a chance de ganhar um lindo carimbo Mad About Magnolias
Participarei dos seguintes desafios com este cartao:
  1. Just Magnolia: valentine (ends 7th Feb)
  2. Simply Create Too: red hot (ends 16th Feb)
  3. The Artistic Creative Stamper: hearts (ends 29th Feb)
  4. Bling It On: love is all around (ends 29th Feb)
  5. Createlicious: Love (ends 12th Feb)
  6. Magnolia Down Under: love is in the air (ends 11th Feb)
  7. Scrap it Girl: show some love (ends 29th Feb)
  8. Cardabilities: sketch (ends 14th Feb)
  9. Pals Paper Art: color combo (ends 7th Feb)
  10. Joanna Sheen: love (ends 29th Feb)
Agora eh a sua vez de mostrar seu cartao para o Desafio! Vou ficar aguardando!

16 comentários:

Yone disse...

Muito lindo e fofo Vivi ! Bjs, Yone

riliska disse...

Your project's just beautiful. Love how you used a border punch! ...fantastic colouring and the image you made is just beautiful..

Marcia Kamano disse...

Lindo cartão Vivi!
Essa Tilda é muuuuuuuuuuito charmosa!
beijos carinhosos

Emma Williams disse...

A fabulous card...good luck and thank you for joining us at The Artistic Stamper Challenge.
Emma x

Anônimo disse...

Delightful card! I just love red and white, thanks so much for joining us at Just Magnolia this week
hugs Julie P

DianeMoneyGoolsby disse...

Your card is beautiful, Vivi--love the image! Thanks for playing with us at Simply Create Too for our "Red Hot Challenge" #6.

Simply Create Too Design Team Member

Patti MacLeith disse...

Very sweet card! Thank you for playing at Pals Paper Arts!

Gail disse...

Vivi, this is absolutely adorable with Tilda sitting on the XO. I love everything about this card!!! Hugs, Gail

Janne disse...

Cute card! Thanks for joining us at MDUC this week!
Hugs Janne

Becky B. disse...

ADORABLE Valentine's Day Card! The image you used is so cute, and I really love the heart accents/die cuts - great work! Thanks for joining Scrap-It-Girl's "Show Some Love" challenge! :)

Debs disse...

how sweet :0)..thanks for sharing with us at Bling It On..hugs Debs x

Paula disse...

This is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Joanna Sheen challenge!

Paula :D x


Unknown disse...

WOW Your card is so gorgeous!! Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous work with us at Magnolia Down Under this week:-)

Janiel/ janny disse...

very very cute!!

Thank you for sharing your artwork with us at MDUC this week!

Lisa Fowler Windsor, CO disse...

Adorable! Thanks for joining in on Scrap It Girl's "Show Some Love" challenge.

Unknown disse...

This is very unique and sweet!!! Thanks for entering the Scrap It Girl (Show Some Love) Design Challenge. Que bonita!!!