05 maio 2012

Happy Scrapbooking Day!

Hello Friends,

Happy Scrapbooking Day!!!

To celebrate this date I decided to make a digi scrapbooking page.
I had absolutely no idea how to make it...  so I download few freebies and make this page, take a look:

Last year my Friends and I went to a Friends` house who lives in the city of  Brasilia, capital of Brazil.
Since I was kid I wished to go to Brasilia to see all what I learnt on the books. 
So this day was a very special one!

Anyway, let me know what you all think about my ever first digi page!

Thanks for stopping by!!



2 comentários:

Mara D. disse...

Que linda!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dá uma saudade né? hihi...

Yone disse...

Ficou ótimo seu scrap digital. A gente que só faz cartão tem que variar de vez em quando ! Foi bom demais nosso passeio por BSB !! Bjs, Yone