07 setembro 2011

Primary color at MSL

Hello Friends,

today I bring a card for the primary colors challenge at Magnolia Stamp Lovers.
For my card I picked Flying Tilda from Magnolia Stamps, here is my card:

I colored my image with copic markers B23, B21, B00, E11, E00, R20, C9, C7, C5, C3, C1, BG10.
I cut my image using classic oval nestie and then beaded oval nestie. I cut them using my Grand Calibur.
I added a blue rhinestones on the card and flowers from prima flowers.

Thanks for stopping by today!



3 comentários:

Mara D. disse...

aummm que fofa! dá até pra perceber as asinhas batendo hihi... tá lindo!! beijossss

Rosalie disse...

Que lindinha esta Tilda.
Beijos querida

Elisabeth Sarkis disse...

Ohhh...ficou um encanto, adorei tudo!!!Bjs