01 maio 2011

Surprise Blog Candy


Hello Friends!!!!!!!!

I have decided to have another blog candy just because I`m extremely happy that I`ll be visiting my Friends in US!!

It is a dream come true!!

I`ll meet my friends Lillian and Gail from Late Night Stampers Yahoo Group and my friends Wini, C2, Froggy, Janine, Dione  from the Stamping Scrapping/House of Gilli Design Team..  and also Cindy & Kevin from Stamping Scrapping 

But that is not all, while I`m in Grand Rapids, I`m taking classes with Cindy on the 13th May,  with Suzanne Dean on the 14th May ....  Isn`t this exciting!?!?!?!?!?

So if you are around, come on over to join the classes too.. you can find all the details HERE.

For me to be able to be there with no worries  I have already pre-posted all my cards for May challenges... But I`ll try to post some pics about my trip...

Ok now about my blog candy!!

I can`t say what I am going to give away coz I don`t know yet!
I`m going shopping while I am in US so I will just decide there which itens will go for candy box... this will be a totally surprise for you & for me!!!  

Now the rules:

  • Add your name on the blue frog below;
  • Add a pic of my candy in your blog and link back to mine so you help me to spread the word out (this pic I got from internet);
  • Even if you don`t have a blog you can enter, but please, share about my candy with the yahoo groups you belong too; 
  • More chances to win:   If you enter in any of the challenges at Magnolia Stamp Lovers, Stamping Scrapping Challenge Central,  House of Gilli, Mad About Magnolias (last one is for Brazil only)  during May, you can  add an entry for each time you have joined the challenge... so it is up to you how many chances  you are gonna have to win my surprise candy!!!
  • I`ll be happy if you follow me but this is not required.
  • You can enter from 1st to 31st of May!
  • I will send this candy to anywhere in the world, so everyone can join it!!
That is all Girls!!!  Hope you all have a terrific month!! I`m sure will!!

Hugs & Kisses,


Add your details in the blue frog below in order to participate in the blog candy!!

1. Hope C.  22. Julia Sáddi  43. Nana Jo  64. Márcia Kamano  
2. Kathy Gerace  23. Karen A  44. carma30  65. Mahrian  
3. Louella  24. Denimo  45. Ms. Petersen  66. Cristine Martinez  
4. Beth Babcock  25. Debbie in LA  46. NancyA  67. claudia(MAM)  
5. Rosalie  26. Márcia Kamano  47. marcilia reis  68. claudia-pedacinhosdipano  
6. Nadine Cunha  27. Tina  48. Corinne S  69. sofia  
7. Rene  28. Crystal T.  49. sukariot  70. HaDa  
8. Belmira  29. Carol C  50. Elisabeth Sarkis  71. Rhynah  
9. Celeste  30. penny r  51. Dora  72. Amy E.  
10. terriavidreader  31. Cindy Coble  52. Neelam  73. Bombi  
11. Debby W  32. Just Me  53. Leila Cassimira (Desafio MAM)  74. carmen ferreira  
12. Chris  33. n@tie  54. Rosalee M.  75. Cebelica  
13. Alicia B  34. Rosane Vedana  55. Ronda A.  76. Márcia Kamano  
14. claudia-pedacinhosdipano  35. Viviane Cassol Marques  56. Lila Castro  77. goldie  
15. Barbara Bryant  36. Beverly B  57. Renee VanEpps  78. Meesh  
16. B-Jo  37. E.T  58. Tamires Aparecida Giroto  79. Bits N Bobs  
17. Leah Ann Gast  38. Sazzlecraft  59. Márcia Kamano  80. inga  
18. luciana w  39. Pollyanna Salute  60. rosa.kreattiva  81. Gośka  
19. Leila Cassimira  40. Marlei Moreira Couto  61. Stampersue  82. Márcia Kamano  
20. kurlygirl  41. Yone  62. Regina  
21. Misu  42. Leanne  63. Márcia Kamano  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

34 comentários:

DJ disse...

Hi, I hope you enjoy your trip to the US. I recently took classes with Suzanne Dean and I learned so much. I don't have my own blog but will pass along the info about your blog candy in my yahoo group. Have a safe trip.

Tracey T disse...

That's fantastic Vivi! Have a wonderful and safe trip! Tracey x

Rosalie disse...

O importante é viver intensamente cada momento.
Aproveite este que é especial pra você.

Sharon in Arizona disse...

Hi Vivi, what a super idea!!! Love surprises. I have become a follower and will help spread the word, as I don't have a blog. I hope you have a wonderful time while you're here in the States, and lucky you taking a class with Suzanne Dean. :o) That's my goal for next year!!!Have a wonderful time shopping and buy lots and lots of goodies for yourself. Hugs to you, Sharon :o) smarch@wildblue.net

Yone disse...

Oi,Vivi !
Aproveite bastante a viagem e divirta-se !
Have a nice trip and Have fun !
Great Surprise Blog Candy ! Yone

terriavidreader (IN-USA) disse...

Oh, I hope you have a FAB trip! Thanks for the chance.

Debby disse...

How wonderful that you get to meet your online friends WOOO HOOO for you!!!. I hope you have a fabulous time in Grand Rapids. Thanks so much for a chance to win your candy. You are linked to my blog, sweetie. Have FUN!!!

Maestra Orquestra disse...

Oh my! I was just in the Yahoo ArtHaven group and followed a link here. I LIVE IN GRAND RAPIDS! You are going to love it here. It's truely an artist's paradise. I hope you have a great time here....and I'll be sure to follow your trip!!!

Pedacinhos di Pano by Claudia disse...


Otima viagem pra voce querida!!!!!
Ja estou sonhando com as maravilhas que vc irá trazer rsrsrs, vou enlouquecer..kkkk


Barbara Bryant disse...

Ive been following your blog for sometime and love the work you do. Im in a copic class later on this summer. Keep up with the good work cant wait till you post a new card.

Lolô Artesanato disse...

Oi Vivi
que delicia de noticia, curta bastante a viagem querida!
Já publiquei sobre o sorteio na barra lateral do meu blog
bjkas e boa semana

Louella disse...

Vivi, your coming to the US and I would love to go OUTSIDE THE US! Have a grand time! I love love to enter for blog candy, but unfortunatly I don't have a blog, ahhhh, so I will spread the news another way! I enjoy seeing all of your projects. I think you may have just inspired me to maybe START a blog of my own. I am going to think on that one! Good luck on your trip, and good luck to me on winning you prize! Louella

Marcia Kamano disse...

Olá Vivi!
Boa viagem! e aproveite cada momento! Não perca nada!!
Um dia tbm realizarei esse sonho!!
Seus "doces" estão na barra lateral do meu blog!!
Obrigada pela oportunidade!
Não deixe de postar as fotos da viagem!
beijos carinhosos

Tina disse...

i love surprise candy giveaways...im a new follower and happy to be i posted to my blog have a safe trip and have lots of fun


Penny Crafty Creations disse...

Blog Candy added to my site thanks for the opportunity.

Anônimo disse...

you will love Susan's class. I took one in Greensboro, NC at Bettys shop and learned so much.

Cindy Coble

LucianaW disse...

Oi Vivi, que bacana! Aproveite sua viagem.
Obrigada pela oportunidade.

thekolbes disse...

Sounds like you will have a fantastic time. Congrats onh getting to come to the US and have some fun and meet some incredible ppl. I don't have a blog..:(
krazykcrafters at msn dot com

Just Me disse...

Have a great time while in the US, Vivi. I have posted about your blog candy on my blog.
Have a wonderful trip and take lots of pictures.

nettie53 disse...

Wow to the US!! Have a great time.
I have posted your candy in my sitebar.

Have a nice day,


Vivi - Engenheira e Arteira disse...

Oi VIVI!!!

Boa viagem!
Sou sua chara e estou começando agora a aprender sobre o scrap... estou adorando.
Quero participar também do sorteio, publoquei neste post http://artesdavivi.blogspot.com/2011/05/mimos-sorteados-no-mundo-do-scrap.html
e na barra lateral do meu blog
Ja estou sonhando com as maravilhas que vc irá trazer... tem tanta coisa linda.

Tudo de bom... aproveite bastante esta viagem


Sazzle disse...

Hope you have a great vacation and enjoy all of your classes - you are sooooooo lucky!!!!

Thanks also for the candy and fingers crossed I'm in with a chance to win :-)

xx Sazzle xx

scrapbypolly disse...

Oi Vivi
parabens e boa viagem.
Seu blog é tudo de bom
Lindo candy
ja publiquei no meu blog

Asas à imaginação disse...

Olá, Vivi!
Que delicia de viagem, hein!Quantos encontros maravilhosos!Que seja de grande proveito e diversão para você!...e para elas também!
Já coloquei seu candy na barra lateral do meu blog e vou participar sim, pelo menos de algum dos desafios citados.
Forte abraço

Lolô Artesanato disse...

linkei tb minha participação no Desafio do MAM ok?

Ronda Archangelo disse...

Have a great time on your trip!!

Renee V disse...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Hope you are enjoying your stay in the US!

Amy E disse...

I hope you're having fun here in the US! Thanks for the chance at winning your blog candy! I'm a follower, and I'm a new blogger. I don't have a place to post coandy pics yet, but I hope to soon. So for now, I linked your blog on an article I wrote on my blog. I hope that qualifies me to enter! If you get a chance, stop by my blog and say HI!

Travel safe!


Mahrian disse...

Oi Vivi! Tudo muito lindo por aqui! Adorei! Já linkei na barra lateral de "sorteios e candies". Mil bjkas, querida! Mahrian
Nome seguidora:Wishmade

cristmart09 disse...

Olá!! Adorei o seu blog, tudo lindo!!!
Seria muito legal ganhar algo escolhido por uma pessoa de bom gosto como vc pq já deu pra perceber isso!!
Cristine / cristmart09

ily disse...


Anônimo disse...

Hi!I dont have a blog but ive posted on twitter about ur giveaway, is it ok?

And ive become ur follower as HaDa, I wanna learn to do some cute things =)

Ann disse...

Thanks for the chanse to win.

Regina disse...

Thanks for being generous enough to offer such gorgeous candy to win!
I'll leave a link on my sidebar spreading the news for you.

sending hugs from Germany