16 maio 2011

Having fun in Grand Rapids

Hey Ladies,
Hope you all are keeping well!!

I'm over here in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA and having a blast!!!
I had a class with Cindy from Stamping Scrapping and with Suzanne Dean..  they were awesome!!!

So, I wanna show you the pictures I took:

Left to right: me, Gail Lass and Liliam Abrams from Late Night Stampers Yahoo Group.. still can't believe I met my girls!!  Love them both!!!

Left to right: Ricardo (my hubby), Cindy, me and Kev (Cindy's hubby) at the game store.. omg, we found games at U$10... that saved us U$110.. woohooo

Left to right: Froggy, Wini, Cindy, Me, Janine and Meg.. omg... how awesome to meet these Ladies... having so much fun!!

Me and C2 having fun at Cindy's class... C2.. do not forget...ever... mine, mine, mine, mine LOL LOL 

and finally me and Suzanne Dean...OMG... you must take Suzanne's copic class... so much to learn from her and so much fun...

Well, Ladies.. that is all from me today...  hope you keep stopping by.. there are more pre-posted cards for you to see..

I still have a week in USA... flying to Miami on Tue and going to Luis Miguel concert on the 19th.... can't wait!!!  after that we're driving to have lots of fun in Orlando!!! Wait for me Mickey!!! lol lol 

Thanks for stopping by!!

Hugs & Kisses,


13 comentários:

Erum Tasneem disse...

Seems like you having the time of your life! Enjoy!!!

Yone disse...

Hi, Vivi !
Great pictures ! Tks for sharing with us ! Must be really fun meeting all of those talented girls.

Tracey T disse...

Vivi I'm so pleased that you're having such a fantastic time. You sound so happy! Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Tracey x

Marcia Kamano disse...

Vivi aproveite por nós tbm!
beijos carinhosos

Marcia Kamano disse...

aproveite, tbm, por nós!

Vera disse...

Oi Vivi,
Já deu para ver que você está curtindo bastante a sua viagem e espero que seja assim até o final!
Acabei de receber minha Tilda linda!!!! Obrigada!
Um beijão,

Lillian A disse...

OMG - what a dream come true to meet up with these special email friends of mine, after conversing for so long !! Vivi and Gail are just super and if it looks like we're REALLY happy here, it's cause we just had finished a great lunch and we each had gotten a fabulous slice of chocolate cake, made right there on site!! Yummy . . .

monica disse...

The pictures says it all!! You are having a great time!! You look so happy and really enjoying everything--say "hi" to mickey for me when you get there.

Ann disse...

So glad you're having fun Vivi! Have a great time in FL this week. :)

Pat disse...

Vivi I am so happy you had such a wonderful trip! I know Lillian was so excited that she was going to spend time with you and Gail, and misses you both!

I bet you had a great time in the stores. Let us know if there is something you want us to send you!

Love ya,

ScrappySandie disse...

Hi Vivi! So glad you are having a fun time in the US! It was great to meet you in person at Cindy's class! You really ARE as sweet as you seem on your blog!! Hope Disney is a blast!

Asas à imaginação disse...

Vivi, sua viagem está sendo maravilhosa, hein!!!
Aprendizagem, diversão, amizades, show, Disney...uauu!!!tudo de bom!!!
Continue aproveitando bem suas férias!!!

Pedacinhos di Pano by Claudia disse...

AI que linda.......belas fotos e muito bom ver as amigas e conhecer as amigas virtuais..rs
