21 maio 2011

Luis Miguel Concert

Hello Ladies...
hope everyone is keeping well!!
I'm still having so much fun in USA.. this country is awesome!!  so pretty!! if you have never been, please, do.. you are not gonna regret it at all!!

Anyway, I want to show a pic of Luis Miguel Concert!!  LADIES, O- M- G...  hi is so talented and GOOORRRGEEEEOOUUSSSS....  we were lucky to get a seat on the 5th row... so we could see him so near...  looking at us...  OH..  LOVE HIM AND SO MY HUBBY...LOL.

I'm off to Magic Kingdom now, but I want to share a pic, so here goes:

Have a great day Girls!

Hugs & Kisses,


3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

O you seem to be having so much fun that is great :) enjoy xxx

Marcia Kamano disse...

Está se divertindo muito, não?!
Aproveite cada instante!
beijos carinhosos

Debby disse...

I'm glad you are enjoying your visit to ur country. Welcome!! He is gorgeous...and so is your honey, you lucky girl! Hugs