13 novembro 2011

Classy Gilli wearing Blue Green

Hello Friends,
It is my turn to show you a card for the Monochromatic Challenge over here at House of Gilli.
Hum, it was quite difficult for me to decide which stamp I was gonna color this time but then I thought this one would be nice for the monochromatic challenege.
Here is the Classy Gilli:
Isn`t she a cutie??  I colored her using copic markers BG78, BF75, BG70, E11, E00, R20, BG10.
I used the beaded oval nestie and the standard one to place my Gilli.
I cut the bottom paper with Martha Stewart punch and then punched another piece of paper few butteflies to place near the flowers.. These background paper is from DCWV.
I hope you like my card and come on over to play with us. Anary will give a gift bag to one lucky winner.
I`m entering this card in the following challenges:
Thanks for stopping by today!
Hugs & Kisses

11 comentários:

Karen disse...

Great card Vivi! Love your coloring and that butterfly border is gorgeous!

EnblogSail disse...

Gilli looks so elegant! So sweeet!!

StampingScrapping.com disse...

I love it...can't believe it is not ALL PURPLE LOL
It is beautiful love all the elements

Yone disse...

Lindo cartão e colorido, Vivi ! Bjs,Yone

Unknown disse...

Wow what a gorgeous card and the colors are really lovely!!!! What an adorable image too!!!!! Fabulous work!!!!!

Cindy disse...

That's not purple. Honest, I know purple when I see it and that's not it. But very pretty.

Sheri disse...


cathylynn disse...

Sooooo Cuteee!!!! Love your colors!!!

CraftyC disse...

Very pretty Vivi, love the colour. Thanks for playing along with this weeks CES Challenge!

F.T disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
F.T disse...

The greenish theme is fantastic, how have you cut those butterflies, they are really so pretty.

Plastic gift Card
Membership Card Printing