05 setembro 2021

The test of a good book is...


hoje é dia de novo desafio no blog 613 Avenue Create. uuhhuu

O tema do mes de Setembro é Anything goes with option twist School Daze - Anything school-related, ou seja, tema livre com opcional de qualquer coisa relacionada a Escola.

Desta vez fiz um marcador de paginas para livros, vejam:

Eu comprei no Ali Express uma faquinha de Tag, achei que seria pequena, mas nao, ela é gigante! kkk
entao aproveitei para usar com o carimbo Stamping Bella, porque eles estao grandes tambem kkkk
escolhi este carimbo que amoooo, chama Betty Loves Bookds e colori o carimbo com copic markers.
Entao para decorar o marcador, eu coloquei algumas lantejoulas brancas, meia perolas, doily e renda rosa com perolas.

Eu adorei o marcador, dei de presente para uma Amiga que tambem amou..  

Bem, com este marcador vou participar dos seguintes desafios:

  1. Colour Crazy: ATG with coloring (15 Set)
  2. Creative Fingers: ATG (15 Set)
  3. Polkadoodles: ATG (17 Set)
  4. Cute Card Thursday: ATG (7 Out)
  5. Krafty Chicks: Stamp Act (8 Set)
  6. Classic Design: ATG (1 Out)
  7. Cards Galore: ATG (1Out)
  8. Love to Craft: ATG (1 Out)
  9. Love to Scrap: ATG (1 Out)
  10. QKR Stampede: ATG (1 Out)
  11. Sweet Stampers: dies or punches (8 Out)
  12. The Crafting Challenge: ATG (1 Out)
  13. The Creative Crafters: ATG (1 Out)
  14. World Wild Design Team: ATG (16 Set)
Obrigada pela visita e aguardo sua participacao no desafio do 613 Avenue Create! 😉

16 comentários:

Jackie C disse...

Loving these colours Vivi! Jackie 613 xx

crafty-stamper disse...

Really cute tag and image love the bead dangle
Carol x

Annettes Hobby Rosettes disse...

Love this tag. Nice work.
Thank you for sharing with us over here at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

Annette DT / Admin / Registered Owner for https://worldwideopendesignteamchallenge.blogspot.com/

Melanie Hungerford disse...

Wonderful image, a project perfect for my family of readers! Thank you for sharing with us at Krafty Chicks!

Fiona disse...

Love your tag and the image - I have a collection of handmade tags for bookmarks from various craft swaps - always good fun - Fiona, Teamie

Jean disse...

Beautiful tag pretty colours x Jean

Chrissy disse...

Wonderful, colourful and great tag Vivi..


Arteconpapelmaderaehilos disse...

Wonderful project
Have a lovely day

Kuni disse...

What a wonderful Tag.Thank you for joining us at the Sweet Stampers and i hope to see you again.

Billie A disse...

Awesome beautiful tag. I love the design and so glad you shared over at Colour Crazy.

Heike disse...

Eine wundervoller Tag. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei den Sweet Stampers.

LG Heike

Twórcze pasje Danki disse...

Lovely tag, I love it. Thank you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.
Twórcze pasje Danki {My Blog}

Gale disse...

Beautiful bookmark Vivi! Thank you for sharing with us over here at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

Gale DT for  http://worldwideopendesignteamchallenge.blogspot.com.au/

CraftingMum disse...

pretty tag, thanks for sharing it with us at colour crazy craft

sweetpea disse...

Very pretty tag.Thanks for sharing it with us at the Polkadoodles Craft Challenge Janet DT.

Anônimo disse...

I absolutely LOVE this! Great job! Thanks for joining the challenge at Love To Craft Challenge Blog. Dorlene DT LTCCB