02 maio 2020



hoje trago uma pagina que fiz no meu smash vermelho dedicado para encontros com minhas amigas queridas Chris e Anna.

Esta foto foi tirada em Fev/18 quando fizemos um encontro virtual pelo facebook e assim  encurtamos a distancia entre Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Curitiba matandos a saudade de fazer scrap juntas!!

o lindo papel com detalhes dourados que usei na pagina é da marcaDCWV - The Mariposa Stack!
e recortei a borboleta com as faquinhas Pippi & Isabella da Memory Box.
no papel verde onde está a foto cortei uma borda com o furador de borboletas da Martha Stewart.
As perolas e clip com fita sao do meu estoque.

Com esta pagina participo dos seguintes desafios:

  1. The Paper Girls: girl time (18 May)
  2. Allsorts: butterfly (9May)
  3. Crafter`s Castle: anything goes (1Jun)
  4. A Bit more time to Craft: anything goes (16May)
  5. Animals Friends: insect = added a butterfly (1 Jun)
  6. Crafty Animals: anything goes (1 Jun)
  7. Crafty Hazelnuts: anything goes with patterned paper (1 Jun)
  8. Love to Craft: anything goes (1Jun)
  9. Your Scrapbook place: anything goes (1 Jun)
  10. Creative Fingers: anything goes (16 May)
  11. Cut it up: friends (14 May)
  12. Krafty Chicks: anything goes (8 May)
Obrigada pela visita!

5 comentários:

Sherri Thacker disse...

What a beautiful scrapbook page. Thanks for joining us at Cut It Up for our Friends challenge this week. Sherri DT

brenda disse...

A pretty l/o with the Butterflies, many thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge this week.

B x

Linby disse...

A fabulous layout! Thanks so much for joining in with us at Allsorts challenge.
Lynn x

Lisa J disse...

Great page. Thanks for playing along with us at Crafty Animals. Lisa DT

The Hopeful Crafter - Tracy Shultz disse...

Hello. The butterflies are so pretty. It looks like you and your friends had a nice day. Thank you for joining us at the Crafter's Castle Challenge Blog ~Tracy, DT Member