26 fevereiro 2009

3 Clovers Thursday Challenge # 2

Hi, After being a long time away from my stamps and missing them A LOT, due to the quilling orders that I had in my website http://www.quillingbyvivi.com/ I just got a little break from it to join the 3 Clovers Thrusday Challenge #2. The challenge was to make a card using B + B + B = brown and blue and buttons. I had this brand new Tilda from Magnolia in the sealed package so I thought it would be really good opportunity to make a card with her.... So, this is what I came up with: Leave a comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts about my card! Hugs, Vivi

3 comentários:

Kerry D-C disse...

This is adorable!! You did a great job with today's challenge! Thanks so much for participating in 3ctc2!

Sue from Oregon disse...

Cute little Tilda card!

Anônimo disse...

I love your tilda and the cute little flower button!
great take on Kerry's challenge!

-- dalis